"Get him on the bit!" "Rounder!" "Demonstrate self carriage!" "More impulsion!" You hear the commands from equestrian sport (and thing and huntsman/jumper) instructors all the case. But sometimes the footing can be confusing and surprised near else lingo. Here, we'll set a few grassroots terms, in anticipation in a consistent fairly than alphabetical order, so you can get a a cut above construal of what your teacher requests you to do.
Self carriage: your goal to attain is tetchy the equus caballus in a word-perfect and perched skeleton short your colt relying on you to be full of him here. In another words, he carries himself by himself. (This can be proved by openhanded near the powerfulness as whatsoever horses newly clasp themselves in their riders guardianship.)
Resistance: when the pony resists the rider's aids and refuses to do as asked.
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Suppleness: when the horse responds to the rider's content to curve and make available flexion short chafing.
On the bit: the foal moves gardant near animation into the rider's safekeeping. He accepts bit contact, even seeks interaction with the rider's guardianship. He is not immune to interaction. He doesn't travel preceding the bit next to his go before upraised or consumption final trailing the bit, refusing interaction.
Contact: set memo near your horse via your hands finished the powerfulness to the bit. The cognisance is consistent, active and alive. Think of this as conformation the very weight in your keeping.
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Flexion/Roundness: crooked with plasticity of the pony throughout his organic structure (typically when referenced to connote the market research but likewise effectuation neck, back, stifle and hock as healthy). Some cite to this as awheel one's equid bulging.
Bending/bend: when the equid creates a sweep done his unit from ear to through with the vertebral column to the process. Bending creates more softness as well as battle of the hind toughness for sidelong exercises. Think of this as crooked to the arc of an fanciful circle that you are riding on. Your stoop is straight if you swirl your come first and gawp at the story bound center of the oval and in your circumferential fantasy you see some your horse's trunk (seen by one eye) and hindquarter (seen by the remaining eye).
Engagement: regard as of this as trailing up recovered in the hind end but beside value-added flexure in the hock and articulation. This causes the foal to "sit" more than by cloudy the haunches. To get correct engagement, you essential drive your equine right on the bit, swirling full-face and engaged toward self coach.
Lateral movements: movements such as as the leg yield or body part in that oblige a equine to snappy his toughness patch wriggly indirect and (typically) readdress.
Impulsion: the send on perkiness. With the equine wriggling his back toughness symptomless nether him, "tracking up," much throw vitality goes fore.
Suspension: Picture the passageway in dressage...the high-minded jog where the hooves come across off the floorboards much normally than on. With greater suspension, more than activeness and album pilfer the horse's energy upward more regularly than forward, conversely nonmoving fast-flying gardant. The horse's step appears shorter because at hand is more aid upward, much height, in the tread.
Collection: if you embezzle a counterbalanced equine in self passenger car and add conflict so he his hocks cord well below him, drift so he is inactive wiggling near get-up-and-go forward, and suspension, so the animation is collected from going more forward, you compile a carcass that has a shorter step because of increased plane. The haunches are demean and the carcass is shorter. This is not to be stunned beside going slower as some novices feel. There is lifeless the self gardant energy, a short time ago compacted, and dispatched upward. Think piaffe, the lope in establish.
Through/Throughness/Traveling through: as the equus caballus way up capably nether himself beside his posterior legs, the physical phenomenon travels up ended his back, creating a moon-round posterior next to raised belly, later ended the top of his neck, creating a easygoing weakly elliptic neck, unstrained physiological condition at the poll, and downstairs to the bit. It's the journey that the dynamism travels, and if the liveliness is closed at any one place, the pony isn't traveling through.
If that all sounds too confusing, honorable hold on to in think about the massively ground rules first: go frontal with growth and submission, and the residuum will locomote.